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covid19 vaccination patient update 31st December 2020River and Wolds Primary Care Network


Update 16.2.21

There is no outbreak within the community in the South Cave area. There continues to be wider community infection cases across the East Riding area. The spike in cases in the area is related to HMP Humber (staff and prisoners) and this is subject to ongoing review by PHE and the local Public Health Team.

Update 05.01.2021

Government guidance states that outdoor sports venues must close, this includes outdoor gyms.
However, playgrounds may remain open because they are a public place you can meet with your support bubble or one other member from a different household (maintaining social distancing).
For any additional information please see



South Cave Parish Council are a group of eleven voluntary councillors and one Clerk.  There are no other paid employee for the Parish Council other then myself and much of the work completed is by Councillors volunteering their time.  Over the next few weeks the Parish Council members may need to be in self-insolation, the Parish Council will endeavour to continue to provide the community with the service they deserve and although the Town Hall is not open to the public to drop in, Myself (Lyndsey the Clerk) is here to help over the phone on 01430 421044/07400030111 or email  I will try my upmost to assist your needs.  I must advise that some issues arising at this time may be referred to a future meeting, as and when the Parish Council are in a position to safely arrange meetings for its members, we are still awaiting advice on this from the ERYC.

The Parish Council do not hold lists of vulnerable people and do not have a list of those people who may be in isolation or may need to be in isolation.  We do have a emergency plan but not specific for this scenario.  I have however, made contact with the few people who gave their details for me to contact when an emergency arises and will continue to do so until necessary.

I am hoping  however, residents of the village will offer their assistance to their neighbours and the community if they can, by ensuring people have access to the provisions they need such as groceries, prescriptions, fuel etc..  below you can find forms to print to which you can compete and post to your neighbours when you see fit.  If you know of somebody who may need assistance and you are unable to help, please contact myself and I will assist as best I can.

I will maintain the Parish Council website throughout this process and if you do have anything you think would benefit the village please feel free to drop me a line.

South Cave residents COVID information :
Please be aware the play areas within south cave remain open however, the government guidelines state: exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public place – with the people you live with, with your support bubble, or when on your own, with 1 person from another household (children under school age, as well as those dependent on round-the-clock care, such as those with severe disabilities, who are with their parents will not count towards the limit on 2 people meeting outside).
Please ensure you adhere to the legislation

Thank you in advance

Lyndsey – Clerk to South Cave Parish Council link and information 

5.10.20 update

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 and saving East Riding lives – It_s in our hands! – Letter from Councillor Richard Burton


How you can play your part in prevention 

For the plan to work, we need your support and what you need to do is simply follow 3 Steps To Safety and to encourage your local communities to do likewise.

The 3 Steps To Safety are: Prevent. Notice. Act.

STEP 1: Prevent:

•        Keep your distance – always follow the latest social distance guidance

•        Wash your hands – thoroughly washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds remains the best personal hygiene precaution

STEP 2: Notice:

•        Be aware of COVID-19 symptoms – so you can recognise as soon as possible if you or someone close to you has them
– a high temperature
– a new, continuous cough
– a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

STEP 3: Act:

•        Get tested – If there is any hint of the symptoms in your household, make sure the person with the symptoms is tested as soon as possible

•        Stay home – Do the right thing if you and your household need to self-isolate:
– whether one of you has symptoms and you are waiting for the results
– whether one of you has tested positive
– or whether one of you has been in contact with someone who has tested positive

You can request a test by visiting or calling 119.

A copy of one of our 3 Steps To Safety posters is included in this email.

Please also encourage your local communities to follow any other safety requirements, such as wearing face coverings on public transport, and it is worth checking the Government website regularly for updates, as national guidance changes frequently.

What we are doing

As part of the East Riding Outbreak Management Plan and the 3 Steps To Safety public health campaign, we are working with businesses, care homes and many other organisations across the East Riding to create a COVID-safe environment.

We are providing businesses and other organisations with guidance about appropriate safety measures and we are asking them to tell us as soon as possible if they get any cases or suspected cases so we can support them as quickly as possible in confining the outbreak.

We are supporting the national NHS Test and Trace service at a local level in the East Riding so that individuals and their households are informed as quickly as possible if they need to self-isolate, to avoid passing the virus to others. Our work with local, regional and national partners will also help us to quickly identify people who have been in close contact with those who have tested positive for the virus and to advise them to self-isolate and get tested if they develop symptoms.


If we all follow the 3 Steps To Safety, if we keep doing those simple things like regular and thorough handwashing, respecting social distances and being aware of COVID-19 symptoms in ourselves and others around us, we reduce risk. If we quickly get tested for COVID-19 when we need to and if we self-isolate and stay home when advised to, we reduce risk.

If we don’t do these simple things, we increase risk and increased risk will inevitably lead to more infections, more illness and more tragedies for East Riding families and it could lead to a local lockdown and tighter restrictions on all of us.

By doing the right thing and following the 3 Steps To Safety, we are all helping to keep ourselves, our loved ones and other East Riding residents protected from COVID-19.

More details, as well as copies of the East Riding Outbreak Management Plan and the Humber COVID-19 Prevention and Outbreak Management Framework, are available in the section of the council’s website.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards

Cllr Richard Burton                Caroline Lacey                Andy Kingdom
Leader                                Chief Executive                Director of Public Health



Town & Parish Councils and the Community Response in the East Riding of Yorkshire to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic The support systems that have been set up in your community will be integral to this work. It would be very helpful to have the best possible understanding of what community and other groups there are out there across the East Riding willing to help those residents who most need it and who cannot source that help from friends, family or others. It would be very helpful if you, as town and parish councils, could encourage any community or voluntary groups, along with those groups set up on social media channels, to register their details on . This website is hosted by the HEY Smile Foundation and the aim is to build up a detailed database of organisations that can work alongside us and build our resilience when helping those in need. Guidance on how to register can be found in this video – . If there are any difficulties with registering, please email Andy Barber at the HEY Smile Foundation on and he will resolve the matter.

I have received a positive response and have a list of residents in the village who are willing to offer assistance to those who may need assistance with collecting goods, prescriptions etc.  Please contact myself at or telephone 07400030111 for assistance.

Just to make people aware. Due to increased work load, staff shortages and the need to clean.
Boots will not open to the public till 9.30am.
The store will be closed 1pm-2pm to allow staff to have a lunch break
We will be closing early to the public 5pm-6pm

We are implementing the government recommendations in reference to social distance

Many thanks

Boots staff


Boots South Cave offer a £5 delivery for prescriptions, this may change but this is the current situation.  They can also arrange for prescriptions to be taken to a parked car if they are unable to enter the shop by calling them on 01430 422296

You can also register at for free prescription deliveries

Announcement 18th March 2020 – all schools closed from Friday 20th March 2020, all exams in May and June 2020 to be cancelled – further information to follow

**if any local teachers have any information to assist, please feel free to contact me to try and co-ordinate



In prep for the potential #Coronavirus school closures, we’ve teamed up with our friends at TTSto give you FREE planned & prepared ‘Learning at Home’ booklets that support all areas of the curriculum.

Download your FREE booklets with over 40 learning activities here:




To all our valued customers:-

Unfortunately we have had to close our doors to walk-in customers.  We appreciate your custom and support to date.

We are offering a home delivery service.  We have set up a Farm Shop in our Restaurant.  We can deliver all of your essential groceries such as milk, bread, flour, cheese, pasta, all our usual meat products, sausage rolls, quiches, tray bakes and all our beautiful cakes.

Please call 01430 421440 to place your Farm Shop order.

We can also deliver all our garden centre products to you including seeds, vegetable plants, tomato plants, compost and all our other products.

Please call 01430 422256 to place your order.

Orders from the Olive Tree and Garden Centre will be delivered together.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Thank you.

Robert and Sandra Hardcastle.


The surgery is currently open as normal, BUT in light of the Coronavirus outbreak if you have symptoms such as:

* A new dry persistent cough
* High temperature
* Shortness of breath


You have been told to self isolate, please Do NOT attend the practice. You can contact us by telephone on 01430 423826 to rearrange any appointments.

Thank you.

Can you help those in isolation?  if so please print off, complete and post the attached forms to your neighbours who you think may need assistance.  Forms are being distributed to shops around the village, if you are unable to find them please call me on 01430 421044 or email, I can organise them to be dropped off for you.

Do you need help yourself?  please do not suffer in silence or struggle, please call me here at the Town Hall, I am gathering a list of brilliant local people who have offered assistance to those who need it.

The Town Hall
40-42 Market Place
South Cave
East Yorkshire
HU15 2AT
View on google maps
Monday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
Clerk: Mrs Lyndsey Fielding
Mob: 07495 638552
Tel: 01430 421044
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Website by Red International Marketing and Communication Agency © 2024

Photographs for main content provided by Justin Lowe, photographs provided for Festive lights 2018 provided by John Nurse

South Cave Parish Council Terms and conditions  Accessibility statement

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