Meetings are usually held in the Town Hall at 7pm on the third Monday of each month (except August). There are 15 minutes available at every meeting for members of the public to put forward their concerns to the Council, and will resume when it is deemed safe to do so.
Due to health and safety constraints, the Council Chamber is limited to admitting 14 attendees including Councillors and Ward Councillors at any one time. In the event of the maximum room capacity being reached, the Parish Council will close the meeting and reconvene at an appropriate venue and time.
Meetings of the Open Space, Technical Services, Finance & General Policy and Planning Committees will be held as and when required at the Town Hall, usually commencing at 7.00pm.
Public & Press are welcome to attend, If you wish to speak at or observe the meeting
All commencing 7.00pm except as stated.
Monday 8th January
Monday 19th February
Monday 18th March
Monday 15th April
Tuesday 7th May
Monday 17th June
Monday 8th July
Monday 16th September
Monday 21st October
Monday 18th November
Monday 16th December
Meetings of the Open Space, Technical Services, Finance & General Policy and Planning Committees will be held as and when required at the Town Hall, usually commencing at 7.00pm.
Agendas will be posted as early as possible prior to the meetings.
Website by Red International Marketing and Communication Agency © 2024
Photographs for main content provided by Justin Lowe, photographs provided for Festive lights 2018 provided by John Nurse
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