Please note that while we always aim to protect your information, if you submit information to us by email or via an online form, it cannot be made totally secure.
The council makes every effort to ensure that information on this website is accurate and current. However, the council cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by any error or inaccuracy in any of the material on this website.
Link to other organisations or companies
The council will consider linking to organisations that offer a service that we agree complements a council service and is of benefit to the public. However we will not link to organisations that are for profit unless as part of an advert in the local Business directory for which a fee is payable.
Linking to information, products and services on third party websites does not imply the council’s endorsement or approval of that information, product or service.
Website by Red International Marketing and Communication Agency © 2024
Photographs for main content provided by Justin Lowe, photographs provided for Festive lights 2018 provided by John Nurse
South Cave Parish Council Terms and conditions | Accessibility statement