Public Rights of Ways – PROW
East Riding of Yorkshire Council are responsible for the management of all recorded public rights of way within South Cave Boundary and are responsible for:
- Signposting rights of way where they leave the road
- Waymarking paths along their route where necessary
- Keeping rights of way in reasonable repair and clearing surface vegetation
- Ensuring that they are free from obstructions
- Ensuring that farmers and landowners reinstate rights of way after ploughing or cropping
- Helping farmers and landowners to maintain gates in good condition
- Maintaining the definitive map and statement, which is the legal record of public rights of way
- Consideration of applications for the legal diversion of public rights of way
- Considering applications to modify the definitive map.
Landowners and farmers are responsible for:
- keeping all paths free from obstruction
- cutting back overhanging vegetation
- reinstatement of paths after ploughing and keeping them clear of growing crops
- maintaining gates and stiles
- not ploughing paths that run along a field edge.
When walking (or cycling or horseriding on bridleways) in the countryside you should expect that:
- the route is signed with a signpost, and waymarked along the route if it is difficult to follow
- the path surface, normally grass, is reasonable for the enjoyment of the path, taking into account the location and priority of the path
- any structures such as gates, bridges, or steps are safe and fit for purpose.
It is normal to find undulations, uneven ground, and holes in the surface of these natural paths, and users should take care and follow the countryside code. If you find that things are wrong with the path that clearly require attention then you should let the ERYC know online by visiting Public rights of way – East Riding of Yorkshire Council or informing the Clerk to the Parish Council on 01430 421044 email:
Summer work includes:
- cutting back overgrown priority routes.
Winter work includes:
- structural repairs
- improvements to gates, bridges and path surfaces
- signposting and way-marking work.
The Parish Council are looking for Volunteers who walk the PROWs to report any problems to the Parish Clerk in order for a overview of the Footpaths be submitted to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for maintenance works.
If you walk any routs and wish to provide a overview of the route, including identification of the location and photographs, please contact
Walk A