BELLWAY UPDATE 21.08.2024:
Today I met with the Chair and Clerk of South Cave Parish Council as well as a representative from Bellway. We discussed the provision of the path to Market Place, the hoarding on Market Place, and the drainage/power supply for the development as well as the convoluted history of the site.
The original planning condition stated that a path was to be provided by the occupation of the 90th (of 90) open market property (not including the affordable housing provision). A subsequent application increased the number of properties but the condition remained unchanged. As a result the path was originally supposed to be provided before all the houses across the whole site were occupied; but is now required before the last 5 are built on the leg in the image here. Currently 89 properties are occupied as well as the affordable houses (which are not counted towards the total under the planning condition concerning the path).
To confuse matters further Northern Power required that the substion be moved from the south-east corner of the site to the south-west corner (green on the map) where the path will connect the development to Market Place. This has impacted on the delivery of the path and open space in the south-west corner. Added to this is the drainage and attenuation which has had to be altered due to the Council not permitting attenuation under the play space (in case maintenance or works are needed in future).
Bellway now also intend to sell the land adjacent to the path and another developer will be building the last 5 houses to Market Place. They will be adding a condition to the sale to ensure the path is provided (the red line as originally intended) and will be opening a temporary route (the blue line) as soon as is possible. This will however have to be temporarily closed whilst the groundwork’s and foundations are built for safety reasons.
The advertising hoarding on Market Place should hopefully be removed in the next 6 weeks. However, there will still need to be a barrier of some form when the 5 houses are built for safety reasons.
Kind regards,
Councillor Richard Meredith
Dale Ward
07824 559448