Posts in Local News

Art Exibition

October 24th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Art Exibition”

Festive Light Fundraiser

October 4th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Festive Light Fundraiser”

Bellway Homes Development update

August 21st, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Bellway Homes Development update”

BELLWAY UPDATE 21.08.2024:

Today I met with the Chair and Clerk of South Cave Parish Council as well as a representative from Bellway. We discussed the provision of the path to Market Place, the hoarding on Market Place, and the drainage/power supply for the development as well as the convoluted history of the site.

The original planning condition stated that a path was to be provided by the occupation of the 90th (of 90) open market property (not including the affordable housing provision). A subsequent application increased the number of properties but the condition remained unchanged. As a result the path was originally supposed to be provided before all the houses across the whole site were occupied; but is now required before the last 5 are built on the leg in the image here. Currently 89 properties are occupied as well as the affordable houses (which are not counted towards the total under the planning condition concerning the path).

To confuse matters further Northern Power required that the substion be moved from the south-east corner of the site to the south-west corner (green on the map) where the path will connect the development to Market Place. This has impacted on the delivery of the path and open space in the south-west corner. Added to this is the drainage and attenuation which has had to be altered due to the Council not permitting attenuation under the play space (in case maintenance or works are needed in future).

Bellway now also intend to sell the land adjacent to the path and another developer will be building the last 5 houses to Market Place. They will be adding a condition to the sale to ensure the path is provided (the red line as originally intended) and will be opening a temporary route (the blue line) as soon as is possible. This will however have to be temporarily closed whilst the groundwork’s and foundations are built for safety reasons.

The advertising hoarding on Market Place should hopefully be removed in the next 6 weeks. However, there will still need to be a barrier of some form when the 5 houses are built for safety reasons.

Kind regards,

Councillor Richard Meredith

Dale Ward

07824 559448

Playpark Closure

August 6th, 2024 Posted by Local News, South Cave Playpark 0 thoughts on “Playpark Closure”

AGAR 2024

August 5th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “AGAR 2024”

NOTICE OF CONCLUSION OF THE AUDIT Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March 2024

Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

  1. The audit of accounts for the South Cave Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.
  • The Annual Governance and Accountability Return is available for inspection by the local government elector of the area of South Cave Parish Council on Application to:  

Mrs L Fielding

Clerk to the Parish Council

South Cave Parish Council

40-42 Market Place

South Cave

HU15 2AT

Between 9:30 and 11:30am on Monday to Fridays

when any local government elector may make copies of the annual return, by appointment only

  • Copies will be provided to any local government elector on payment of £0.60p for each copy of the annual return.

Announcement made by:

Mrs L Fielding

Clerk to the Parish Council

Date of Announcement: 5th August 2024

Walk and wheel-friendly South Cave Help us make every journey around our village safe and enjoyable for the next generation.

July 31st, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Walk and wheel-friendly South Cave Help us make every journey around our village safe and enjoyable for the next generation.”


July 3rd, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Parking”

I have received complaints from residents relating to vehicles parking partially on pavements including trades vehicles.  

As previously requested, can we please request residents park carefully and if you are having tradespeople work at your property, please request they park appropriately taking into consideration residents, who may need access to the full footpaths for strollers, wheelchairs etc… It really is unacceptable for pedestrians to walk around vehicles onto the road due to inappropriate parking. 

School Crossing Patrol

June 11th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “School Crossing Patrol”

Memorial Seat

May 7th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Memorial Seat”

The Parish Council with the assistance of East Riding of Yorkshire Council D-Day 80 Community Fund, have installed a single Memorial Seat at the Cenotaph.


May 1st, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “AGAR”


South Cave Show

April 23rd, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “South Cave Show”

Monday 26th August 2024
@South Cave Sports Centre
The South Cave Show is one of the village’s
longest surviving traditions. It was first
mentioned in a newspaper dated 1888. The show was originally held in the
grounds of Cave Castle where people entered their show stopping flowers,
plants and vegetables in order to win prizes in recognition of their hard work.
It has for a number of years been held in the South Cave Sports Centre.
It is a great way to get involved in the local community, meet new people and
enjoy being part of a wonderful traditional event. You will find our schedules
in local shops along with entry forms, and also on our website to download.
With 100 classes we are sure you will find something that is of interest to you.
Grow it, bake it or make it and enter the competitions. We offer 1st, 2nd and 3rd
prizes as well as awarding an array of beautiful trophies which you could win
for the current year.
Refreshments will be available, courtesy of Friends of Mires Beck Nursery. We
have a Tombola and a magnificent Raffle with generous prizes donated by
local businesses too.
Remember to tag us in your social media posts, tell everyone about the South
Cave Show!
Bring your entries between 8.15 and 10.15 am for judging. The Show
Opens at 2pm with presentation of trophies at 3.45pm
Find out more from our website and social media channels:
Facebook: southcaveshow
Instagram: southcaveshow

Asian Hornet

March 17th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Asian Hornet”

South Cave WI

February 22nd, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “South Cave WI”

Road Safety – Winter Driving

February 20th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Road Safety – Winter Driving”

Flood & Coastal Risk Management – How to report

February 20th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Flood & Coastal Risk Management – How to report”

Guide to Riparian Landowners

February 20th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Guide to Riparian Landowners”

Operation Snap

February 20th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Operation Snap”

Did you know Operation Snap is a Police initiative which provides a secure online platform for the public to submit video evidence of driving offences. Operation Snap is available via this link:…/camp…/operation-snap/Evidence such as parking on pavements, junctions etc should be submited within 7 days of the offence in order for the police to review the matter.

New Bus Service

January 25th, 2024 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “New Bus Service”

New bus service 144 South Cave – Brough – North Ferriby – Swanland – Beverley, starting Tuesday 30 January New Tuesday and Thursday off-peak shopping service to Beverley. Departing South Cave 0930, Elloughton/Brough 09:39, Welton 09:49, North Ferriby 09:59, Swanland 10:04, arriving in Beverley at 10:30. Returning at 13:00 from Beverley.


November 21st, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “NEW BUS SERVICES”

Did you know funding for additional late night buses on the 55 service on Friday & Saturday nights & a Sunday service using funding we have received from the Department for Transport. East Yorkshire Buses are also extending the 1720 from Hull to South Cave Monday to Friday.

Visit 55 – Hull to Goole, via Ferriby, Brough, Elloughton, The Caves, Gilberdyke and Howden | East Yorkshire ( for up to date Bus Tmetable(s)

Riding Household Support Fund for Oil

November 8th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Riding Household Support Fund for Oil”

Queen Elezabeth II Field (Water Lane)

November 6th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Queen Elezabeth II Field (Water Lane)”


Date: 6th November 2023

  • The Parish Council have been made aware of unauthorised use of Queen Elizabeth II field for a firework display on Saturday 4th November 2023 and are in the process of reviewing the situation and taking advice to make the necessary contact with those involved. 

Please be aware Fireworks are not permitted on the land and the Parish Council refer visitors to the rules of the site published on the website and also displayed on the noticeboard located on the field.

The Parish Council thank residents and visitors for their understanding of the rules designed to protect the area from anti-social behaviour.

If you would like to discuss any matter with the Parish Clerk please contact 01430 421044 or email

Bus Service 55

October 13th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Bus Service 55”

ERYC are funding additional late night buses on the 55 service on Friday & Saturday nights & a Sunday service using funding received from the Department for Transport. East Yorkshire Buses are also extending the 1720 from Hull to South Cave Monday to Friday.

Please find attached the new timetable for the 55 service. The additional journeys are shaded in yellow. ERYC will be monitoring use and hope this provides residents with new travel opportunities.

May 11th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

Dogger Bank Wind Farm confirms next round of convertor station transformer deliveries  – Dogger Bank Wind Farm

May 2nd, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”



Domesic Abuse Help

February 10th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Domesic Abuse Help”

February 6th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

February 6th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

February 2nd, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

Some of you may have known Norman over the years through Sports, Church, Rotary, The National Farmers Union and village life in South Cave. Norman was awarded an MBE for raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity. We have set up a Just Giving page for donations to MacMillan and Marie Curie who supported Norman and our family towards the end of his life. Any donations given would be truly appreciated. We are having a private cremation followed by a service of thanksgiving which is taking place on Friday 17th February at 1:15pm at All Saints Church, South Cave. Family flowers only please but a donation to the Just Giving Page if you can:…Thank you on behalf of the Elliott family x

HWRA Household Support Fund for Oil Customers

February 2nd, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “HWRA Household Support Fund for Oil Customers”

January 27th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

Time to get walking again!

With Spring on its way we start to think about getting out to walk in the beautiful English countryside again, but where to find new and interesting walks?

Walking in Yorkshire has loads of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.

John Harris (who maintains the website) said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in Yorkshire (part of the Walking in England website) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.

With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.

So home or away, check out the websites and get walking!

John Harris

Help For Households

January 24th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Help For Households”


January 18th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “RSPCA ADVICE”

Responsible dog walking

Going out for a walk is an important part of your dog’s day, and the countryside can be a good place to do this. To keep you, your dog and other animals safe, follow our simple top tips for a safe countryside dog walk.


Follow the marked footpaths, close gates behind you and don’t stray into fields. Crops that are in early and later stages of growth are easily damaged by dogs and people walking on them.

Litter and dog poo

Poo bags and litter can seriously harm wildlife and farm animals as they may try to eat it, thinking it’s food. Always make sure you dispose of all your rubbish and dog poo in a bin. If there aren’t any public waste bins nearby, you should take the litter home with you and use your own bin. 

We have more information about how to dispose of different types of litter safely. Dog walkers can play an important role in keeping the countryside safe for everyone by picking up any litter you see, even if it’s not yours, and safely disposing of it in a bin. 


Many dogs will show interest in livestock and even if you think your dog wouldn’t harm another animal, accidents can happen. Dogs can easily frighten animals; ewes and lambs, in particular. Ewes can abort their unborn lambs, be separated from the herd and be seriously injured if they come into contact with dogs. Give livestock plenty of space, and don’t try to feed them as it might cause them harm.

Putting your dog in a situation where they end up chasing farm animals, wildlife or other pets can have far more serious consequences.

If your dog worries livestock, you may end up being sued for compensation and, in some circumstances, farmers are legally entitled to shoot dogs if they’re endangering their sheep.

How to stop your dog from worrying sheep

It can be all too easy to become complacent when walking your dogs, after all, it’s something we do every day. But remember, the resulting loss of life if your dog escapes your control – even for a moment – can be devastating. Don’t be caught out – follow these top tips:

  • Be aware of the effects of sheep-worrying, and let others know too
  • Make sure you know where your dog is at all times
  • If you’re letting your dog off the lead, be confident there are no livestock nearby
  • Be sure that your dog will return to you promptly on command, and if in doubt, keep them on the lead

Find out more about teaching your dog to come when called as well as other useful advice on caring for and understanding your dog.

Worried about a farm animal?

Find out who to contact if you think a farm animal is sick or injured.


Wherever you go in the countryside there will be wildlife nearby, and even though you might not be able to see them if they’re hidden away in bushes or hedgerows, dogs can still sniff them out thanks to their fantastic sense of smell. These could be young wild animals waiting for their parents, or adults trying to keep their young safe such as ground-nesting birds sitting on eggs. Be aware of areas where wildlife might be hiding and ensure your dog doesn’t disturb them, as this could cause parents to abandon their young or be chased and seriously injured by a dog. It’s the best way to keep your dog safe too, as some wild animals can be aggressive if they’re attacked and need to defend themselves or their young.

This is important all year round, but be especially careful in the spring and summer as this is when many wild animals will be breeding and have vulnerable offspring. If you are walking your dog in an area with deer between early May and late June, watch out for newborn deer who are especially vulnerable at this time and many are killed or injured by dogs. And if you’re walking on beaches or near areas where seals will come out of the water to rest, make sure your dog is on a lead and keep at least 100 metres distance and as far away from the seals as possible to avoid disturbing them.

Dogs can also harm wildlife living in ponds, as well as being at risk themselves if they swim in some ponds – find out more from Froglife.

Advice taken from What to look out for when walking your dog | RSPCA

January 17th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

ERYC – Your Life Your Way

January 11th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “ERYC – Your Life Your Way”

January 10th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

Need medical help? Use 111 online to get assessed and directed to the right place for you, like a consultation with a pharmacist.

January 5th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

The Parish Council are trying to locate the donator(s) of the cabinet and china located within the Town Hall, and are giving notice that the item(s) are to be removed in order to make use of additional space within the meeting room.  Due to data protection reasons we are unable to publish the names of persons who had donated, if you are one of those please contact the Clerk on 01430 421044 or email  This notice will expire 28th February 2023 when the cabinet and contents will be re-homed.

East Riding of Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

January 4th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “East Riding of Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership”

January 4th, 2023 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

The government’s Household Support Fund will help vulnerable households with the rising cost of heating oil. As a result, HWRA have been awarded funding from East Riding Council to offer grants to eligible residents in East Yorkshire.

On application if eligible, households will receive an oil delivery of approx. 500 litres and free membership to the YORSwitch Bulk Oil Buying Scheme for the year. (normally £20 per year).

The criteria can be viewed on our website below, along with the application forms.

Dog Fouling – ERYC Update

December 6th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Dog Fouling – ERYC Update”

Update received from ERYC Dog Warden – Neil Fraser  

Many thanks for contacting us regarding the dog fouling issues in South Cave, I have conducted two patrols last week and sadly I agree with you that the irresponsible few are clearly allowing their dogs to foul in various public areas throughout the village.   You may note that I have increased the enforcement signage in the village and I have spoken to a number of local residents and encouraged them to report any information that they may have, any violations that we can prove will result in prosecution 

I will continue with the patrols and hopefully this will have a positive effect on this problem.

Please let me know If you have any further info and request residents to report dog fouling to the ERYC by visiting: Dog control and ownership ( or call: 01482 393939; email:

Neil Fraser (Dog warden)

Dog Fouling

November 29th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Dog Fouling”

Reports of excessive dog fouling around the village which is causing distress to residents are on the increase. If you are a dog walker or owner, please ensure you pick up your dog poo.

Dog fouling is a major concern to many people, not just because of the mess it causes, but because it can be a health risk. Dogs may deposit roundworm eggs (toxocara canis) in their faeces, which become infectious after about 3 weeks, and can remain so for up to 2 years.

Anyone, but particularly children playing near to the ground, can run the risk of picking up and swallowing the eggs. The eggs then hatch in the intestine, burrow through the intestine wall into the blood stream and pass into the body.

Possible symptoms of toxocaral infection range from aches, dizziness and nausea to asthma and pneumonia, but as these symptoms can all be caused by other things, infections often go undiagnosed. In the UK there are around 100 cases of toxocariasis diagnosed each year.

In rare cases eye disease and loss of vision can be caused when the toxocara larva passes through the eye.

East Riding Foodbank

November 28th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “East Riding Foodbank”

November 22nd, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “”

Age Concern

November 21st, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Age Concern”

Worried about flood or wish to report a problem

November 17th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Worried about flood or wish to report a problem”

Flooding and drainage (

Call 01482 393939

How to contact Humberside Police

November 7th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “How to contact Humberside Police”

My Community Alert

November 7th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “My Community Alert”

Local Food Bank

November 7th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Local Food Bank”

Sign up for Flood Warnings

November 4th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Sign up for Flood Warnings”

Sign up for flood warnings – GOV.UK (

Sign up to get flood warnings if your home or business in England is at risk of flooding. The service is free.

You’ll need to provide:

  • the address you want flood warnings for
  • an email address
  • a way to contact you at any time of day or night – you can choose to get a call, text or email

Start now

Update your details or flood warnings

If you have previously signed up for flood warnings, you can sign into your account to:

  • update your details
  • remove warnings for a property
  • delete your account

If you live in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland

Sign up for flood warnings in Scotland or flood warnings in Wales.

Use flood maps to check flooding risk in Northern Ireland.

Other ways to register

If you’re in England, Scotland or Wales you can register, update your details or cancel your account by calling Floodline.

Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Textphone: 0345 602 6340
24-hour service
Find out about call charges

Warnings for more than one place

If you’re in England or Wales, you can register for the Targeted Flood Warning Service to get warnings for more than one place. For example, if your organisation has several sites.

The service is free for not-for-profit and public sector organisations. It costs £4,700 a year for other organisations.

To register for the Targeted Flood Warning Service, call the National Customer Contact Centre.

National Customer Contact Centre
Telephone: 03708 506 506
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Helping Communites – ERYC

November 2nd, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Helping Communites – ERYC”

Helping communities (

ERYC – Your Money Advice

October 26th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “ERYC – Your Money Advice”

Flood/Gully problems – who to contact?

October 20th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Flood/Gully problems – who to contact?”

If residents wish to report any blocked Gullys or need assistance in the event of flood, they need to make contact with the ERYC direct, unless of course the situation escalates and the Parish Council instigate the Emergency Plan.  Please do not refer residents to myself as I am unable to report anything any other way then residents are able to do themselves.  Details as follows:

It is advisable that residents sign up to the Environment Agency Flood Alerts by visiting:

In the event of a resident wishing to report a blocked gully, residents should call the ERYC on 01482 393939 or visit: Flooding and drainage (

What will the ERYC do if my property starts to flood?

The ERYC council will endeavour to provide sandbags only to stop water coming off the public highway where it may pose a risk of flooding homes. Should this occur then contact contact us on (01482) 393939. Where water is running off adjacent land then householders must take whatever action is necessary to protect their property in conjunction with the relevant adjoining landowners.

Environment Agency Update

October 20th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Environment Agency Update”

A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency.

Flood Alert in force: River Foulness and Market Weighton catchment.

Flooding is possible for: The River Foulness and the Market Weighton Canal and their tributaries.

Be prepared.

 The Flood Alert for the River Foulness and Market Weighton is now in force. This flood alert has been issued due to rising river levels caused by persistent rainfall over the last few hours. The area of particular concern is around South Cave, and flooding may occur on low lying roads, farmlands and paths in this area. Further persistent rainfall is expected through the afternoon and into the evening today, Thursday 20/10/2022, and river levels are expected to rise further. We are monitoring the situation closely, and will update this message by 16:00 today, or as the situation changes.

To check the latest information for your area


* Visit the GOV.UK website to see the current flood warnings, view river and sea levels or check the 5-day flood risk forecast:

* Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 using quickdial code: 138803.

* Follow @EnvAgency and #floodaware on Twitter.

* Tune into weather, news and travel bulletins on local television and radio.

What you should consider doing now


* Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. 

* Get ready to act on your flood plan if you have one.

* Move your car or other vehicles to higher ground, if it is safe to do so.

* Prepare a flood kit of essential items including a torch with spare batteries, mobile phone and charger, warm clothes, home insurance documents, water, food, first aid kit and any prescription medicines or baby care items you may need.

* Check that you know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies.

* In rural locations, farmers should consider moving livestock and equipment away from areas likely to flood.

* Avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water. 30 cm of fast-flowing water can move a car and 6 inches can knock an adult off their feet.

* Flood water is dangerous and may be polluted. Wash your hands thoroughly if you’ve been in contact with it.

To stop receiving these emails you can manage your account online at Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188. If you need to contact us please call Floodline. Please do not reply to this email.

Nunnery Walk Book Exchange

May 19th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Nunnery Walk Book Exchange”

The Telephone Kiosk located at Nunnery Walk is now adopted by South Cave Parish Council

To be used as a Village Book Exchange

Please feel free to donate books to the exchange, by placing them on the shelves provided

Books may be filtered and or removed at the Parish Councils discretion

Please report any damage to: 

The Clerk

at South Cave Parish Council on

 01430 421044 or


South Cave Bus Timetable

April 13th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “South Cave Bus Timetable”


January 25th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “YORswitch”

Marie Curie – Volunteers Needed

January 20th, 2022 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Marie Curie – Volunteers Needed”

Bus Services:

September 21st, 2021 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Bus Services:”

For Bus Services for South Cave visit: East Yorkshire – Bus travel in Hull, East Yorkshire and the North Yorkshire coast (

service 55

service 143


May 24th, 2021 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “WHO TO CONTACT?”

Notice: If you see something while out and about in South Cave that you think should be reported please call the correct service, it would be helpful if calls or notifications be sent to the Correct Service/Department prior to reporting on facebook as matters are more likely to be handled quicker and effectively if the report is submitted at the time: As a reminder the number for the Police non emergency is 101 or 999 for an emergency If you wish to report fly tipping also this must be reported to the ERYC direct as soon as you see the problem by calling: 01482 393939 or visiting the Eryc website at…/bins…/fly-tipping/Fallen Trees or Dangerous Trees on a footpath or public highway please call ERYC on 01482 393939 or visit:…/road-and-footpath…/Fly Posting and Illegal Signage please call the ERYC on 01482 393939 or visit:…/bins…/fly-posting/Dog Fouling, Control and Ownership, please call the ERYC on 01482 393939 or visit:…/dog-control-and-ownership/It’s important the correct departments are notified of issues as soon as possible It would be helpful if residents sign up for a ERYC account. You’ll be able to sign up for a free online account when you fill in a online form. With this you can: save your contact details so they are remembered next time you fill in one of our new online forms view a summary of any contact you make with us get updates on your requests. You can also make an anonymous request. —————————————————————-Preparing for EmergenciesWhat you need to knowWhat should I do before an emergency?To allow yourself to be prepared for an emergency you should take time to find out:Where and how to turn off water, gas and electricity supplies in your homeo The emergency procedures for your children at schoolo The emergency procedures at your place of worko How you will stay in contact with your family in the event of an emergencyo If any elderly or vulnerable neighbours might need your helpo How to tune into your local radio stationo How to contact your household insurers o If you are in a flood risk area (you can check by going, email: Customer Contact CentrePO Box 544RotherhamS60 1BYUnited KingdomTel: Telephone03708 506 506Make sure you keep a stock of bottled water, ready to eat food (for example rice, pasta, tins of beans, soup etc) and a bottle/tin openerMake sure you stock up on heating products, such as oil and coal if a cold winter is predicted.Are you in a flood risk area?If you are in a flood risk area you should sign up to the free warning service offered by the Environment Agency, using the contact details above. The Environment Agency will also be able to give you lots of useful information such as how to protect you property from a flood.What should I do in an emergency?If you are involved in an emergency it is important that you:o Call 999 if there are people injured or if there is threat to lifeo (101 for non emergencies)o Do not put yourself in dangero Listen to the advice of the emergency serviceso Try to stay calm, think before taking any actionso Try and help others (eg elderly next door neighbour) and try to reassure otherso If you are not involved in an accident but are somewhere near, or believe that you might be in danger, in most cases that advice is to GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN to a local radio station.What should I do if I think I could be evacuated from my home?Try to gather together:o A list of useful phone numbers such as your doctor, and close relativeso Home and car keyso Toiletries, sanitary supplies and any regularly prescribed medicationo A battery radio with spare batterieso A torch with spare batteries, candles and matcheso A first aid kito Your mobile phoneo Cash and credit cardso Spare clothes and blanketsIf you have time you should:o Turn off electricity, gas and water supplieso Unplug applianceso Lock all door and windowso Collect your Insurance details o If you leave by car take bottled water, blankets and tune into your local radio station for emergency advice and instructionUseful Contact detailsFire, Police, Ambulance and Coastguard – 999Police Non-Emergency Number – 101NHS Direct – 111East Riding of Yorkshire Council – 01482 393939Council House Repairs: by email to, by telephone on (01482) 396301Npower – 0800 073 3000 If you’ve lost your supply and believe it’s related to your meter and not the network, call the npower team on 0800 073 3000Northern Powergrid Loss of power: www.northernpowergrid.comIf you have a question or a problem with your power call0800 375 675To Report A Power Cut: 105Environment Agency incident hotline Telephone: 0800 80 70 60All gas leaks – 0800 111 999Yorkshire Water – 0800 573553 contact numbersEnvironment Agency trained operators are available 24 hours a day seven days a week and can provide immediate practical advice on flood risk and what to do before, during and after a flood. Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188. The council is responsible for the drains that remove surface water from the highway. In the event of significant highway flooding, the council works with other bodies to provide an emergency response such as the provision of sandbags.Highways England – 0300 123 5000Highways EnglandNational Traffic Operations Centre3 RidgewayQuinton Business ParkBirmingham B32 1AFEmail: Water is usually responsible for sewer drains in the roads and blocked sewers – 0800 573553

Frequently Asked Questions

February 9th, 2021 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Parish Council?

It is a statutory local authority set up under the Local Government Act 1972. A town or Parish Council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish. It is the level government closest to the community.

Who is on the Council?

It is made up of 11 Parish Councillors who do not receive remuneration or payment for their work. They are elected once every four years. Every year the Parish Council Council elects one of them to be the Chairman of the Parish Council.

Can I attend meetings of the council?

Yes, meetings of the Parish Council and its committees are open to the public and the press, except in very exceptional circumstances. The time and place of meetings must be advertised beforehand – usually on the noticeboards and website.

Can I speak at meetings of the Parish Council?

You cannot speak while the normal business of the meeting is being conducted. However, in some meetings there is a ‘public forum’ where members of the public can speak. The Clerk can provide you with details about how this works.

How do people get elected to the council?

Elections are held every four years and will usually coincide with a District Council election. A Public Notice of a forthcoming election will be placed on noticeboards and on this website. Sometimes the number of people who put their names forward for election is less than the number of seats on the Parish Council or a councillor resigns. In these circumstances, the Parish Council can co-opt someone to fill the vacancies.

What powers does the Parish Council have with respect to planning?

The Parish Council is consulted by the relevant planning authority (which is the East Riding of Yorkshire Council) on all planning applications. Any views expressed by the Parish Council are taken into account before a decision is made. The final decision is made by the Planning Authority, not the Parish  Council.

Where do I pay or find out more about my Council Tax?

The Parish Council does not collect Council Tax or hold records about it. Parish Council clerk will not be able to help you. You need to contact the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Please visit the following site to find out more information:

How do I apply for a Bus Pass or Disability Parking badge?

The Parish Council does not administer this services. The Parish Council Clerk will not be able to help you. You need to contact the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Please visit the following site to find out more information:

Can I apply for housing? Can I pay my rent?

The Parish Council does not collect manage Council housing or collect rent. The Parish Council Clerk will not be able to help you. You need to contact the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Please visit the following site to find out more information:

Where can I find out about planning applications and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)?

You can find out information about all planning applications and TPOs in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Planning Portal:

I have a problem with overhanging/overgrown vegetation (including trees & shrubs). Who would deal with this?

Please use the form on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to report the problem:

Who do I contact about bin collection?

The Parish Council does not collect bins. The Parish Council Clerk will not be able to help you. You can find out more on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website:

Who is responsible for the roads and street lights – for example paths, pot holes, street signs, speed limits and drains etc?

The Parish Council manages a small number of street lights. Please see the services page for more information. Most street lights are managed by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. All roads and pavements (that are not private) are managed by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Who provides grit bins and road clearing services in winter?

Please see the services page for more information. Grit bins are managed by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Road clearing is handled by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. You can find out more on the following page:

My Community Alerts

October 31st, 2018 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “My Community Alerts”

Want to know what’s happening in your neighbourhood?

My Community Alert is a new, free messaging system operated by Humberside Police, to help keep you updated about what is happening in your local area.

Choose how you receive messages by phone or e-mail ,how often you want to hear from us and about the issues that matter to you.

Sign up for free at


August 6th, 2018 Posted by Local News 0 thoughts on “Defibrillators”

South Cave is proud to have five Community Public Access (Automated External) Defibrillators, (CPAD’s), which are located in yellow cabinets outside Costcutters Pinfold, South Cave Sporting Club at the playing field behind the school, Pass the Parcel (used to be South Cave Post Office) in Brough Road, All Saints Community Centre on Church Hill, and inside South Cave Sewell Service Station, behind the counter.


CPAD’s can be vitally important in saving the life of a person who may be suffering from a Cardiac Arrest.

The CPAD’s can be accessed in an emergency, 24 hours of every day, by anyone, using the following instructions:-

  • Dial 999 from any phone, or alternatively 112 from a mobile phone, and ask for an ambulance;
  • If you are within 600 metres of one of the CPAD’s, you will be alerted to it and asked “is there someone with you who can go and get it?”
  • You will also be given a code, to open the yellow cabinet;
  • Someone must stay with the patient and start administering CPR (Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation);
  • Therefore, to access the defibrillator you would need someone else with you;
  • If you are on your own, you will be advised to stay with the patient and start CPR, without delay;
  • After retrieving the defibrillator, or if you are on your own with the patient, you will be guided through CPR and the defibrillator’s use, by an Emergency Call Handler.

As soon as possible, you will be joined by trained emergency personnel from Yorkshire Ambulance Service, (maybe initially one of the local Community First Responders), who will take over from you immediately, and may appreciate you staying at the scene, in case you can assist.


Please be assured that you can make an immediate difference to the patient’s chances of a full recovery, if you follow this process – you do not need to be specially trained – you will be supported throughout by the Emergency Call Handler.

The Town Hall
40-42 Market Place
South Cave
East Yorkshire
HU15 2AT
View on google maps
Monday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
Clerk: Mrs Lyndsey Fielding
Mob: 07495 638552
Tel: 01430 421044
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Website by Red International Marketing and Communication Agency © 2024

Photographs for main content provided by Justin Lowe, photographs provided for Festive lights 2018 provided by John Nurse

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