South Cave is proud to have five Community Public Access (Automated External) Defibrillators, (CPAD’s), which are located in yellow cabinets outside Costcutters Pinfold, South Cave Sporting Club at the playing field behind the school, Pass the Parcel (used to be South Cave Post Office) in Brough Road, All Saints Community Centre on Church Hill, and inside South Cave Sewell Service Station, behind the counter.
CPAD’s can be vitally important in saving the life of a person who may be suffering from a Cardiac Arrest.
The CPAD’s can be accessed in an emergency, 24 hours of every day, by anyone, using the following instructions:-
- Dial 999 from any phone, or alternatively 112 from a mobile phone, and ask for an ambulance;
- If you are within 600 metres of one of the CPAD’s, you will be alerted to it and asked “is there someone with you who can go and get it?”
- You will also be given a code, to open the yellow cabinet;
- Someone must stay with the patient and start administering CPR (Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation);
- Therefore, to access the defibrillator you would need someone else with you;
- If you are on your own, you will be advised to stay with the patient and start CPR, without delay;
- After retrieving the defibrillator, or if you are on your own with the patient, you will be guided through CPR and the defibrillator’s use, by an Emergency Call Handler.
As soon as possible, you will be joined by trained emergency personnel from Yorkshire Ambulance Service, (maybe initially one of the local Community First Responders), who will take over from you immediately, and may appreciate you staying at the scene, in case you can assist.
Please be assured that you can make an immediate difference to the patient’s chances of a full recovery, if you follow this process – you do not need to be specially trained – you will be supported throughout by the Emergency Call Handler.